Our people
Make no mistake, the IPF Group is a people business. We have over 22,000 colleagues, supporting 1.7 million customers.
Personal Development
We believe that investing in employee development is an investment in the development of the entire organisation.
Our ambition is that all our people have access to high-quality, relevant development opportunities. We have a number of globally consistent development programmes that cover the entire organisation. Through our learning pathways, we have development programmes in place for Customer Representatives, Customer Service Centre operatives, Operational Management and Senior Leaders.
We have partnered with global experts, like LinkedIn Learning and Harvard Business School to provide genuinely best-in-class development materials & experiences for our people. As well as curricula-based development programmes, we also have our Global Leaders Connect programme to develop up-and-coming talent and our new annual IPF Learning Festival, where the entire organisation joins together for a week of focussed development.
Whichever role you join us in, we offer training to help you settle into your new role when you first join us. After that, your manager will work with you to set personal goals and kickstart your development journey.

Global Leaders Connect
Doing the Harvard Business School course felt like going back to university
Hiie Ormission - Click here Legal Director at IPF Digital
Global Leaders Connect is about working with business cases that can be easily linked to our business context.
Luis Romero - Click here Head of Credit Risk in Provident Mexico
Our global CARE approach
We place huge importance on ensuring that our people are safe, connected and feel a true sense of wellbeing, both because it is the right thing to do but also our ability to serve our customers well relies on having highly engaged and skilled colleagues who adhere to our values and ethics. CARE is how we describe our approach towards our people, and it sits at the heart of our culture.
Our Global Care approach was introduced in early 2020 to support our leaders to focus on IPF Group business priorities, whilst demonstrating clear, visible support and care for our people. We extended its scope to ensure that, despite sometimes being physically distanced, we maintained the same levels of engagement and collaboration that we have always enjoyed. Maintaining these critical aspects of our culture has undoubtedly helped us to regrow the business. This was also borne out by the findings of our Global People Survey, where we experienced a very high response rate and strong positive feedback – which demonstrates that our teams are invested and passionate about their work.
Dynamic in nature, the areas of focus for CARE are:
- Personal Care for our people
- Care Heroes & sharing stories
- Excellent communication
- Ensuring that our managers have all the resources that they need to lead
A global, cross-functional CARE working group - consisting of representatives from across the business working in functions such as HR, Communications, Corporate Affairs and Safety - regularly meet to share best practice around care, ensure a global focus and thread of activities, design, plan and deliver global CARE initiatives and evaluate and assess deliverables. This is a truly global, cross functional and collaborative team. Some of the initiatives delivered include:
- Continually reviewing and improving our approach towards physical and psychosocial safety
- Shifted our ways of working, moving from predominantly office-based working for head office functions to remote and then hybrid models
- Hosting a series of virtual events, including a Global Togetherness Day encouraging people to engage and connect with one another
- Introducing a global Happiness Calendar